


mine :3

haii, hollo :)
welcome welcome and welcome to my only one and lovely blog. this blog is 100 % mine and its up to me to write anything i want. copy anything dear? take that shit off here :) like, do follow. hate, just click X at the bottom of the window. easy right? i love you :*

tag tag tag.
Friday, November 18, 2011 | 0 comments
okeeeeeee, sy telah tag oleh budak nih, nely, wse nye da due kali kan? haha. xengt2. nak test gak aa.

1 . you must post these rules !   
2 . each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal  
3 . answer the question tagger set fer you in their post  
4 . create 11 new question fer the peolple you've tagged to answer . 
5 . you have to tag 11 people and put their link in the entry 
6 . go to their page and tell them you have tagged them 
7 . no tag back 
8 . you should tag 11 people ! (?) 

As simple as that right?

11 perkare tentang sy nihh :
- name diberi nur suaida mohd rosli. simple kan?
- pnggil sy sue, suaida and papelah. as my family adekk.
-umo umo sy baru 16 tahun pd 21 okt ary tuh.
- menetap di kuala terengganu. sukeeeee :)
-sekolah dekat setiu dan nme sekolah SMKLB
-suke sgt terperap dlm bilik, online, makan dan tido.
-ske buat bisingg, lepak lepak dan bercakap dgn kawan kawan
-hepy go lucky yet can be hot tempered
-suke sume kaler xcept kuning. yucckksss :P
- em, dye yg tgh SPM tuh sy pnye. haha
-bgi sy nsi goreng j, sy pasti kenyang. hihi

haaa nely, sy jawab soalan awak. hihi

1. ade kot, yg sy gtao kat ats tuh. act, byk sgt nme yg dpnggil. tpi, kebiasaan yg tu lah. huhu
2. ade twitter je. follow neh? tweeett
3. PURPLE. oke. da mention kat ats tuh. hehe
4. emm, suke yg sekepale ngan sy. hepy hepy. xske, owg yg bjop bodo and kawan utk kepentingan shj
5. oh, xde wat pew kot. duk lm bilik. myb, gi TUSYEN. haha SPM lah kite kan,
6. ade ade. cri aa. suaida.rosli @gmail.com 
7. song, bintang kehidupan. singer, avril lavinge kot. actor, farid kamil :)
8. suke blog awak lah.nak nak lagu tuh. simple but really nice. hee
9. dop pom kot. haha
10. oke nely, awak comel sweet, xau nk describe nape agi. kite pom xrpat sgt. hehe
11. byakkkk. p stakat ni sekali lagi and lagenda budak setan :)

my questionsss. 
1. sy ni cmne haa? ce kbo siket.
2. nak tao ciket saem saem hok kacip. hihi
3. lao kat youtube, ske tgok ape?
4. minat sape lao org org femes tuh?
5. best kan gi jln. lao leh, nk gi mne?
6. gi ngan sape nk gi jalan ow? ^^
7. pujaan hati? share lorh. winkwink
8. oke, sy nak skype anda. share pewisshhh :))
9. hobi menarik?
10. my blog. camne korang tgok?
11. bese lepak, kat ane? haha

tag orang lokkk 

okengg, done tagging. susah2 sy buat nih, jwab lah ye? love u guys. hihi

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