


mine :3

haii, hollo :)
welcome welcome and welcome to my only one and lovely blog. this blog is 100 % mine and its up to me to write anything i want. copy anything dear? take that shit off here :) like, do follow. hate, just click X at the bottom of the window. easy right? i love you :*

aku terima sume yang terjadi. :')
Friday, August 26, 2011 | 0 comments

assalamualaikum. nk kbo. sy balek cuti raye. bhgie op? ofkos laa sygg :) tpi kan rye taon ni maybe xbez n xhappening. sbb adek badek sy xde nak brye bsme. :( sdeh cket. terime j laa kan? huhu ^^ bln pose ni byk tol ujian dan dugaan yg sy lalui. seraboooot gile. sabar j yg bleh dlakukan. haaiihh --' kawan sume xcye kt sy. trime j sbb slah sy. sy mntak maap sgt. sy xmo gadoh2. dgn ape yg brlaku, sy da amik pngjaran. sy xmo care da sal owg. ikot pnda laa. xmo dgr xite owg. sy nak care idop sy yg xau mnde nih. :P bia sy n family. kawan tolak k tepi lu. msing2 bsow doh kang? :) sy nak keadaan cm dlu. andai dpt ku undurkan masa. hoho :)) realiti nye xleh. life must go on. sy kne hadapi sume yg blaku dgn tenang. arp aa bleh. :) okeh. 1 more thing. kawan sy tlah jjur ngn sy. yes ! bgoz nyeee.. bia skt asl jujur? emm. tol kot. skt gileee mse dye jjur ngn sy. rse benci gile kat dye mse 2. tpi perasaan 2 ilang when the conversation ends. huuhhh = ='' alhamdulillah. rse cam lega gile lps sy da tao sume nyee. sy da leh time hakikat. hohoh. *ayt xleh blah kan? perasan owg xleh pkse. juz one thing, hope u happy dear friend. ILY !:) hihi. okeee. here the thing,

0-0 eyh? lets begin a new life after raye.
oke. byeee. salam -,-

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