


mine :3

haii, hollo :)
welcome welcome and welcome to my only one and lovely blog. this blog is 100 % mine and its up to me to write anything i want. copy anything dear? take that shit off here :) like, do follow. hate, just click X at the bottom of the window. easy right? i love you :*

happy? c: sad? :c
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | 0 comments

entry sy kli ni byop nye sl luahan aty kowt.
ehem ehem..
cdp er tgop owg laen epy..
asl sy xdpt nk wse cm2?
ble sy leh bhgie blk?
tpi rse nye xpnh nk epy pom.. :\
ade yg pnh wt sy bhgie
but,, dyowng da xde. :(
soobbss.. sdih nye ble tengt blk..
sume nye tggl kenangan...
sy xmao cm2 leh x?
sy nk llui nye lgi..
xmao brakhr ag... dtg laa blk.. huh
ape yg wt sy cdeh sbnrnye??
haihh.. byop mnde kott..
now,, feel so lonely and empty..
xde spe2 yg nk mmnuhinye..
lao ad pom,, leh k?
really don understand wat am i facing..
asl har?
kjp sgt sy lalui kebahagiaan ow..
can it last long? :\
tpi lao bhgie opmo,, gle da ye pnggl ow..
fenimm.. bb idop sy pnh dgn ksdhan yg owg dop au..
aisshhh.. >< swabot mlepp..
myb owg laen ad yg ag trok pd sy..
tpi amoh gni.. nk bhgie.
sy leh wt owg laen bhgie *kot
asl owg xleh wt sy bhgie?? haihh..
cdeh eyhh.. :(
idop emg gni op? kne sabor j opmo..
xpe2.. kuat kn smngt.. huh ! :))
myb today not my day..
and the day will come soonn.. hehee..
lao ade sspe yg wt sy bhgie cntct ar sy..
hahaha,. xau nde..
sje j nihh.. bosan2..
nway,, eppy olweys yupp??
hahahaa :D

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